Friday 30 October 2015

30 Oct -- A Bunch of Random Pictures to Catch Up Post

It's been a busy few weeks with soccer and field trips and Oma coming to visit!  Here's a random grouping of pictures and hopefully I'll get back on track for Halloween!

 The kids had fall break but George still had school, so we did a breakfast date with the big kids.

 New pop-up soccer goals makes for some fun times in the front yard...until it's interrupted by the boys tackling each other or accusing each other of cheating!

 I got to go to Raisin' Cane (a farm nearby) with this little cutie for his field trip!

 Oh yeah, broke out the big guns (i.e, the hot glue gun!) this little creation 

 He makes one heck of a cute goalie!

 Henry and Jane can book it to the ball.  They play so hard.

 Charlie's team

 Post game ice cream celebration

 That's how Oma rolls...

 The kids were so excited to find this turtle on our walk.  He wasn't as big as our last turtle we found last spring, but he was a lot cuter.

 Skype with Daddy!  There may have been a dance party involved.

 George slept in our room while Oma was here.  Rosie wanted to join him in his bed so badly, but I was afraid she'd pop the air mattress with her nails.

 We make up our own super hero team

 Trunk or Treating at PAUMC

 Batman's comparing muscles

 Counting the loot

Games were even there!

 A sad day.  They cleared the lot next to us.  And took all our trees.  George kept saying "Dat's not very nice, dey taking all our trwees"

 Love him right after he wakes up!

 Charlie's working his magic

Anna's mad pumpkin carving skills

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