Wednesday 29 April 2015

26 Apr -- George's Swim Look

George is ready for the pool.

19 Apr -- Charlie Gets a Haircut

Haircut time!

Charlie had said, "Quick, get Mom so she can see how hairy I am!"

17 Apr -- Jane's Birthday

Happy Birthday Jane!

 Jane approves of her birthday.

 Bring on the Redi-Whip!

 George was so excited for this.  He was yelling, "Me, me, my turn!"

Then this happened

 Sorry George!

 Eventually, George cheered up just fine.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

5 Apr -- Happy (Belated) Easter!

Happy Easter!

 So what's the deal here?!

 These ribs need chocolate.

 Rosie went in high gear.

 We were late measuring Henry and he was ready to add a couple inches to the measurement.

 George wanted in on the action.

 Line 'em up!

22 Mar -- Swimming and Drums

Bring on the swimming!

 Good arch.