Sunday, 27 February 2011

27 Feb -- Carnival Party in Dudeldorf

Dudeldorf had a nice kids party at the sports-hall in town.

Charlie doing his best Clint Eastwood stare while Jane's eyes show emptiness...nothing more and nothing less.

 Really?  Really?

 Orange juice offsets cake, right?

A man in drag nails Lady Gaga.

 Jane tries out for a remake of a Whitesnake video.

 Charlie chats it up with a classmate.

 Cowboys don't eat Shoko Kussens! (cream covered in chocolate)

 Any you lady's seen some water for my horse?

 I think I'll take a little nap here...

 Tschuss! waved Henry.

24 Feb -- Anna's Birthday...take one and two!

Anna celebrated her birthday twice this year--once on here birthday and once a day later since I was on a trip to Ramstein on her birthday.

Charlie and Jane helped ice Anna's cake.

 Here is take two on the 25th of February.

 Not the whipped cream!

 Henry can climb into this truck all by himself--it is quite fun to watch.

 The neighborhood doesn't call him "Handsome Henry" for nothing!

Charlie came home from his German Kindergarten and said, "I'm an Indian."

Saturday, 19 February 2011

19 Feb -- Manderscheid, Germany

It was a pretty nice day so we headed out on the road.

Jane made this face at Anna in the rear view mirror.

 This is supposed to be Rapunzel's Castle, but now it is a Bed and Breakfast.

 The castle in the background was closed until March 1st, so we continued along the trail to the other castle nearby which is open year round.

 The trail was nice, but a bit treacherous with little ones.

 But the view from atop the castle in the woods was well worth the risk of hiking up to it.

Now time for calisthenics.


Look out below!


The hike down was so much easier than going up.
Mommy, do you need some help?

So serious.

Always time for a game of hide and seek.


On to home!